
About Collabodoro

Collabodoro is just like the Pomodoro Technique timers that you're used to, but it also allows you to share a synchronized timer session with anyone, anywhere.

You can even share a session between your own devices so that you can walk away with your phone for a period of rest and get alerted when it's time to head back to your computer to work.

The Config menu at the top of the page allows you to change the timer's settings, the application's color scheme, and enable features like notifications and sound effects to let you know when it's time to work or rest. Sound effects also let you know when someone joins or leaves a synchornized session.

Timer settings are stored locally in your browser, so each device will keep track of your recent timer settings.

Synchronized sessions are managed through Peer JS, which is a peer-to-peer library that allows you to connect to other users via WebRTC.

Collabodoro is still in beta, so please report any bugs or issues you encounter.

Built with love, coffee, and just a dash of Generative AI by Interweb Alchemy.